V sklopu projekta PCVIZ med drugim razvijamo nove učne metode in vire. Na ACS skrbimo tudi za dopolnjevanje knjižne police z novimi učnimi viri, ki so javno dostopni.

Pripravili smo seznam več kot 20 strokovnih publikacij ter naročili knjige, ki osvetljujejo izobraževanje v povezavi s podnebnimi spremembami, predstavljajo klasiko na področju VITR, metodološke vidike občanske znanosti in učenja na prostem ipd. Umeščene so na posebno knjižno polico, označeno z UDK 502/504 Ekologija. Veda o okolju. Varstvo naravnih virov. Ogrožanje okolja in njegovo varstvo. Knjige bomo v naslednjih mesecih podrobneje predstavili in promovirali v e-Novičkah. 17 novih knjig, nekaj jih še čakamo, prinaša najnovejša spoznanja in rezultate zanimivih raziskav. Gre za novosti v slovenskem prostoru, nekatere so na voljo le pri nas.

Berners-Lee, Mike (2020). How bad are bananas? The carbon footprint of everything.

Berners-Lee, Mike (2021). There is no planet B: a handbook for the make or break years.

Blewitt, John (2006). The ecology of learning: sustainability, lifelong learning, and everyday life

Bollier, David (2019). Free, fair and alive: the insurgent power of the commons.

Carson, Rachel (1962). Silent spring

Cavalier, Darlene; Hoffman, Catherine Hoffman Price; Cooper, Caren Beth (2020). The field guide to citizen science: how you can contribute to scientific research and make a difference

Cooper, Caren Beth (2017). Citizen science: how ordinary people are changing the face of discovery.

Donnelly, Aoife A.; MacIntyre, Tadhg E. (eds.) (2019). Physical activity in natural settings: green and blue exercise

Hawken, Paul (ed.) (2017). Drawdown: the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming.

Jahren, Hope. (2021). The story of more: how we got to climate change and where to go from here: adapted for young adults

Keller, Andrew Haines ; Frumkin, Howard (2021). Planetary health: safeguarding human health and the environment in the Anthropocene.

Koonin, Steven E. (2021). Unsettled: what climate science tells us, what it doesn’t, and why it matters.

Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell (2021). The physics of climate change.

Michael Gibbert, Marijane Luistro-Jonsson,Liisa Välikangas (eds.) (2021). The sustainability grand challenge: a wicked learning workbook.

Wallace-Wells, David (2020). The uninhabitable earth: life after warming.

Wals, Arjen E.J.; Corcoran, Peter Blaze (eds.) (2012). Learning for sustainability in times of accelerating change.

Webber, Emily (2016). Building successful communities of practice: discover how learning together makes better organisations

Vse so na voljo za izposojo zunanjim uporabnikom. Knjižnica ACS je odprta in dostopna za vse, članstvo je brezplačno.

Dr. Johanna Robinson (johanna.robinson@acs.si), ACS

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