What’s your story of transformation and empowerment? How has ALE changed your life?

Bloom, baby. Bloom!

ALE enables individuals and social groups to gain power over their environment and destiny. Participation in ALE (whether formal, non-formal or informal) can empower individuals, equipping them with new tools and opportunities, increasing their self-confidence and capacity to find employment and take control of their destinies.

That is how ALE enables people to develop awareness of themselves and their environment and ultimately encourages them to be active players in their social roles.

From the individual’s perspective to the societal one, ALE has the power to impact communities, shape them and collectively play a role in development. While fostering personal empowerment, it promotes social engagement and contributes to positive societal changes.

So, what’s your story of transformation and empowerment? How has ALE changed your life? How has it rewritten your destiny? Or how has it changed the lives of your students?

The stories will be published on EPALE and compiled in a digital publication, the EPALE Community Storybook. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this Storybook!

Eligibility: All EPALE users are welcome to share their stories.

Submission dates: 8 April 2024 –31 July 2024.>/p>

Visual materials: Images and links to videos are welcome.

How to participate: Fill out the web form and share your story!

© 2017-2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education

​The publication is co-financed by the Ministry of Education.

ISSN 2630-2926

Slovenian Institute for Adult Education
Ministry of Education

Published by Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE), Šmartinska 134a, SI-1000 Ljubljana | Editor-in-chief: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc (E: zvonka.pangerc@acs.si) | Editor: Ana Peklenik (E: ana.peklenik@acs.si) | Other members of the editorial board: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, dr Nataša Potočnik, Directress of SIAE, dr Tanja Možina, Tanja Vilič Klenovšek, MSc and dr Tanja Rupnik Vec | Computer solution: Franci Lajovic (T: 01 5842 555, E: franci.lajovic@acs.si) | Translation/proofreading: Mesto znanja, izobraževanje in svetovanje za osebno rast, Petra Cvek, s. p.  | Design: Larisa Hercog | Corrective reading: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, and Mateja Pečar | W: https://enovicke.acs.si/en/home/

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