The SIAE issued another extensive self-evaluation study regarding the suitability of the processes and effects of expert external evaluations in adult education. The study authors are Dr Tanja Možina, Sonja Klemenčič and Jasmina Orešnik Cunja.
We’ve developed an approach of the expert external evaluation (EEE) in 2011, thus as an upgrade the two SIAE incentives: Green Quality Label and SIAE recognitions for quality development in Adult Education. The EEE is intended for an expert external validation of the quality of the Adult Education in educational organisations in selected areas of quality. They promote the conservation of achieved standards and introduce improvements and quality development. The organisation thus upgrades an existing internal quality system. The basic outcome of this process is a qualitative feedback to the organisation about the Adult Education, where it is doing well and where the potential for its future development lies.
In the 2012–2016 period, 13 educational organisations got included in EEE regarding Adult Education. We were systematically monitoring the implementation the whole time. The approach and methodology were complemented and upgraded after the annual final evaluation workshop with all involved.
We estimated that five years of expert external evaluations in adult education is long enough to assess the adequacy of procedures and accessories used. First and foremost, we wanted to test the effects of them in included educational organisations. The study presented the results of the 2017 self-evaluation, and we also considered the role, future development and placement of this kind of external evaluations into the system of Adult Education in Slovenia.
The self-evaluation also included directors and EEE coordinators from twelve educational organisations that participated in 2012–2016, and expert external evaluators (there were three questionnaires prepared, one for each entity involved). The opinions and views of individual entities about the issues in question were compiled with the online survey method between 27 June and 31 July 2017. 29 people participated, so here we once again thank them for their contribution.
Jasmina Orešnik Cunja (, SIAE