The consultation Days of Pedagogy and Andragogy (in Slovenian) is organised every year by the Department of Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. The main topic of this year’s event held on 25 January was Guidance in education: the role of a pedagogue or andragogue in educational institutions.
The contributions and activities at the consultation were related to the guidance in schools as well as guidance in adult education. After the plenary part of the event, where an associate of the SIAE, Tanja Vilič Klenovšek, MA, also presented her contribution titled Guidance in Adult Education: Between Theory and Practice, the work continued in two work groups: The role of adult education guidance counsellor in educational institutions and Guidance in schools and pedagogues in schools. In addition to Tanja Vilič Klenovšek, MA, who participated in the first group with a contribution on competences of guidance counsellors in AE, the guidance counsellors Maja Rotar (Guidance centre for the central Slovenian region) and Biserka Plahuta (Guidance centre Velenje) shared their experiences with the group.
The Day of Pedagogy and Andragogy 2018 ended with a presentation of good practices in the field of guidance in schools and in adult education.
The topic of this year’s consultation was also interesting in the light of changes brought by the new Act on Adult Education, which defines the guidance in adult education as the first of three activities in the adult education field and which should include guidance with: (1) participation in the programme of elementary school for adults and in further education; (2) participation in officially recognised educational programmes for adults which do not lead to officially recognised educational qualifications; (3) participation in non-formal educational programmes for adults; (4) assessment and documentation of knowledge, skills and competences acquired by non-formal education and informal learning to support personal growth, further education and inclusion in the job market and (5) independent learning.
Urška Pavlič (, SIAE