The Learning Parade, a day of learning communities, attracted numerous visitors of all generations to the centres of 19 Slovenian towns. Organised as part of LLW, it has been taking place since 2013. In town centres, regional coordinators, in collaboration with many local providers, showcase a variety of ways and opportunities to acquire new knowledge, which strengthens both individuals and society.

Employees of the SIAE and the ME, which financially supports each edition of the event, attended the vibrant, original and inspiring gatherings. The smiles captured in photographs speak volumes, and many more photos are available on the SIAE Facebook page and LLW FB and the pages of local coordinators.

Learning Parade in Šmarje pri Jelšah and Hrastnik

Parado učenja v Šmarju pri Jelšah in Hrastniku je obiskala mag. Urška Bittner Pipan.

My journey to the Learning Parade took me to Šmarje pri Jelšah and Hrastnik, where experienced organisers prepared a rich programme. In Šmarje, the event began early with the youngest participants and concluded with a cultural programme, while in Hrastnik, attendees enjoyed presentations and musical performances. Both towns radiated a lively learning community filled with new energy.

Urška Bittner Pipan, MSc (, SIAE

 Visit to the Learning Parade in Kranj

Obiskovalce PU v Kranju je nagovoril Darijan Novak.

In Kranj, a rich intergenerational programme was organised, with thirty interesting partner organisations presenting themselves at stands. Wherever I visit the Parade, there is always a place for lively conversations and a reaffirmation of the idea that there is always the right time for learning and that the scope of learning is so broad it is hard to avoid. This time, I did a bit of exercising and then found myself mostly caught up in conversations with Esperanto speakers, mushroom pickers and the Swiss School. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get my aura photographed, as there was a queue the whole time. Maybe next time.

Darijan Novak (, SIAE

Learning Parade in Ljutomer

Direktorica ACS dr. Nataša Potočnik se je družila z izvajalci in obiskovalci PU v Krškem.

Learning Parade in Ljutomer

Parado učenja v Ljutomeru je obiskal mag. Andrej Sotošek.

The event was very well supported in terms of organisation, technical aspects and media coverage. Dance, drama and music performances from primary and secondary school students dominated the programme. I missed the involvement of older participants and intergenerational cooperation in the performances. A few associations presented culinary and tourism themes at the stands, which added variety to the overall event.

The event was very relaxed, cheerful and festive. The only thing I missed was a few more visitors.

Andrej Sotošek, MSc (, SIAE

Learning Parade in Slovenska Bistrica

At the Slovenska Bistrica AEC, they have established a noble tradition of presenting lifelong learning ambassadors awards during LLW. To date, they have honoured twenty-two individuals who contribute in countless ways. In the enchanting park behind the library, I had the opportunity to meet remarkable people who, through their example, spread the virus of curiosity and a love for learning.

Three words that best describe my impressions are intergenerational commitment, resilience and adaptability, and creativity.

Mag. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik se je udeležila PU v Slovenski Bistrici, Mariboru in Ormožu. Tam so se podali tudi predstavniki MVI.

Learning Parade in Maribor
Unfortunately, I missed the stage performances and caught the stands just at the end, but I still experienced the part of the programme that resonated with me the most. Jure Ivanušič, a dramatic actor and chansonnier, brought to life the work and legacy of Rudolf Maister–Vojanov through his original music and outstanding interpretation based on Tone Partljič’s novel.

The year 2024 is dedicated to Maister, as it marks the 150th anniversary of his birth and the 90th anniversary of his death. Rudolf, Tone and Jure – three exceptional men united in the portrayal of a life that is truly unparalleled!

Three words that best describe my impressions are reverence, the fusion of art and intellect, and the depth and breadth of life.

 Learning Parade in Ormož
The bustling activity among the stands and at the venues around Ormož Castle, the vibrant colours and the friendly invitations to taste and experience created an actual marketplace of knowledge and learning. Perhaps people felt the power of learning touch them; we certainly all felt its joy.

I was particularly struck by the fact that school schedules had been adjusted to accommodate the Learning Parade, allowing children to attend alongside their parents and grandparents. Such flexibility is not an everyday occurrence, and the reasons behind it must have been both compelling and heartwarming!

Three words that best describe my impressions are connection, dedication to the community and its people, and originality.

Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc (, SIAE

Learning Parade in Murska Sobota

Parado v Murski Soboti sta obiskali mag. Andreja Dobrovoljc in Urška Pavlič z ACS ter predstavniki MVI.

Sunny Murska Sobota promised an exciting day. By the time we arrived at the Culture Square, it was already buzzing with visitors, performers and exhibitors of all ages. The Murska Sobota Guidance Centre had its stand at the Parade. Visitors returned home smiling as we relaxed with laughter yoga, and well-fed after eagerly sampling local delicacies prepared by hardworking primary school students. Most importantly, adults at the Parade received comprehensive information about various learning and education opportunities.

Andreja Dobrovoljc, MSc ( and Urška Pavlič (, both SIAE

 Revitalisation of Starograjska Street in Radeče

V Radečah je bilo čudovito.

On 24 May, Radeče dressed up in its old attire. Starograjska Street, once the main thoroughfare, took on the appearance of the previous century. We marvelled at old stories, viewed photographs, sampled dishes, listened to the language of that time and laughed a lot. The stage programme was put together by different generations of children and adults, featuring performances by a brass band and majorettes. At the stands, visitors could see and try out all the things that Radeče has produced: local crafts, professions, dishes and traditions. The town demonstrated itself as a connected learning community.

Ana Peklenik (, SIAE

 2024 LLW Opening in Slovenj Gradec on 16 May

V Slovenj Gradcu so poleg PU pripravili tudi lokalno odprtje TVU.

“Things are happening on the periphery!”

With these words, Dr Maša Jazbec began her lecture on our future with robots. To gain knowledge for her work at the intersection of science and art, she had to travel abroad to Japan, where she earned her doctoral degree at the University of Tsukuba.
Maša’s ability to build connections between the audience and the two robots, who later eagerly demonstrated some of their skills, was so charming that curiosity began to dominate my feelings towards robots.

My trust in AI tools also grew stronger. Anja and Nina from PLYA+ gave an inspiring presentation on the creation of the comic book titled Visionaries of Change: PLYA Heroes, which they developed with the help of AI.

Three words that best describe my impressions are openness to change, trust in science and oneself, and flexibility for sustainability.

Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc (, SIAE

Sunny and charming at the Learning Parade in Škofja Loka

Eriko Brenk so navdušili izvajalci PU v Škofji Loki

Music, dance and exciting stands attracted visitors to the Learning Parade in Škofja Loka. Actors, dancers and singers performed in the town square, while visitors took part in workshops, quizzes and creative activities. We learned how to improve a healthy lifestyle and maintain quality in old age, picked up some photography tricks, and the day concluded with a lecture on energy by Sanja Lončar.

Erika Brenk (, SIAE

 Learning Parade in Žalec

Mateja Pečar se je družila s prireditelji in obiskovalcu PU v Žalcu

The market in Žalec was lively, filled with dance, music and colourful stands. I was particularly impressed by the wooden games, medicinal plants and seed exchange. A virtual reality film about hop farming and a presentation of sign language added a special touch to the event. The day was full of learning, creativity and connections between people.

Mateja Pečar (, SIAE

© 2017-2024 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education

​The publication is co-financed by the Ministry of Education.

ISSN 2630-2926

Slovenian Institute for Adult Education
Ministry of Education

Published by Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE), Šmartinska 134a, SI-1000 Ljubljana | Editor-in-chief: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc (E: | Editor: Ana Peklenik (E: | Other members of the editorial board: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, dr Nataša Potočnik, Directress of SIAE, dr Tanja Možina, Tanja Vilič Klenovšek, MSc and dr Tanja Rupnik Vec | Computer solution: Franci Lajovic (T: 01 5842 555, E: | Translation/proofreading: Mesto znanja, izobraževanje in svetovanje za osebno rast, Petra Cvek, s. p.  | Design: Larisa Hercog | Corrective reading: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, and Mateja Pečar | W:

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