Minister za vzgojo in izobraževanje dr. Darjo Felda je na prireditvi 6. decembra podelil nagrade za najkakovostnejše mednarodne projekte v izobraževanju, Jabolka kakovosti 2023.
Podelitev nacionalnih priznanj za najbolj izstopajoče mednarodne projekte v programih Erasmus+ in eTwinning ter evropske nagrade za inovativno poučevanje za leto 2023 smo združili s praznovanjem 20. obletnice delovanja CMEPIUS.
Participation in Erasmus+ projects brings remarkable effects and positively transforms those directly involved, their organisations, local communities and, in some cases, even educational systems and broader social environments.
Our winners are those success stories that inspire and broaden horizons, stepping outside the box to improve the quality of their work.
The Awards reflect the values shared by all those working in education who strive to make the world a better place. They are not only an honour but also a responsibility to shape the future with their success stories and to motivate those embarking on the path of international cooperation.
This year’s winners in ALE are Črnomelj AEC for the project titled Theatre of Equality: Social Inclusion Through Theatre and Pharmacy Pomurske lekarne Murska Sobota for the project Empowering Older Patients to Use Medications Properly. More about the event and the winners is available on our website (in Slovenian).
Špela Močilnikar (, CMEPIUS