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We were delighted to accept the SIAE‘s invitation to organise this significant event. After several years of coordinating the LLW events, successful executions of the InCastra – Day of Industry and Entrepreneurship Ajdovščina and last year’s meetings of the Association of AEC of Slovenia (ZLUS) and the Professional Conference on Training Adult Educators within the framework of the National Programme of Adult Education, event organisation is not unfamiliar to us. Each one presents a unique challenge, making the collaboration and support of key stakeholders even more crucial.

In May, Ajdovščina hosts numerous essential events. First, is the municipal holiday celebrated on 5 May. The Ultra Trail Vipava Valley follows, and traditionally, the multi-day event called Ajdovščina in May also takes place. The LLW also begins in May, including the Learning Parade. The opening of this year’s learning festival added further excitement to the May events. Over 250 lifelong learning advocates attended the event. In addition to decision-makers at the highest levels, mayors and deputy mayors from Ajdovščina, Vipava and Nova Gorica municipalities were also present. As usual, the opening was accompanied by numerous educators, including representatives from AECs, kindergartens, schools, libraries and non-governmental organisations.

Novinarska konferenca

The LLW events were aligned with the European Year of Skills

Ajdovščina AEC, as an essential part of lifelong education and learning, also emphasises the development of skills for work. The European Year of Skills, one of the LLW’s joint actions, particularly addresses them. Therefore, we are even more delighted that representatives of the business community and supporting organisations, development agencies, the Ajdovščina Chamber of Crafts and companies have shown awareness of the importance of LL through their presence at the event. Additionally, representatives of local communities and residents, participants who eagerly seize learning opportunities and engage in numerous education and training programmes, and our indispensable teachers, mentors, volunteers and other programme implementers provided a local touch.


Five awards for exemplary learners from the Upper Vipava Valley

One of the distinctive features of the last three LLW openings is the award for exemplary learners from the local community. Three individuals and two groups come from the Upper Vipava Valley. We presented each of them in short films. Vera Kodrič, a longtime collaborator of Ajdovščina AEC, Peter Ferjančič, a renowned winemaker from Planina, and Alice Stojko Saliu, a dance teacher and enthusiastic motivator, all recognise the importance of learning and acquiring knowledge for lifelong success. In the group category, we recognised the outstanding contribution of the Goče Local Community from the Municipality of Vipava. They strengthen the learning community by collaborating with various organisations and organising numerous events. We also identified the company Mlinotest as an exemplary learning group, as they systematically nurture the development of their employees’ knowledge and skills. We presented the awards together with Teja Dolgan, the Head of the Adult Education Sector at the Ministry of Education.

Tadej Beočanin, mag. Branka Hrast Debeljak in Eva Mermolja

Increasing self-confidence with new knowledge

At the beginning, we were addressed by the Mayor of the Municipality of Ajdovščina, Tadej Beočanin. He presented Ajdovščina as an exemplary learning community, emphasising the creation of a community based on collaboration, solidarity, knowledge and progress. According to him, Ajdovščina AEC is also exemplary and advanced, taking on the role of the regional coordinator for the LLW. Over the next five weeks, events will take place that will bring values of knowledge, connectivity and solidarity to the community. The Mayor defines the role of AECs in society as invaluable. They create opportunities, and citizens, with new knowledge, increase their self-confidence and develop creativity, entrepreneurship and skills, thus strengthening social bonds within the community. He expressed the belief that AECs will continue to be a significant educational force in the future, providing individuals with opportunities for equal inclusion in the knowledge society and enhancing the quality of their lives.

Next, the guests were addressed by Branka Hrast Debeljak, MSc, acting Director-General of the Upper Secondary, Short-Cycle Higher Vocational and Adult Education Directorate. In her speech, she highlighted lifelong learning as a value, a way of life that offers all residents an opportunity for personal, professional and mental growth. She emphasised the importance of quality and responsible organisers, supporters and various participating organisations who wholeheartedly work on the LLW campaign, expand access and raise awareness about the importance of lifelong learning.

Dr. Nataša Potočnik in idejni oče TVU dr. Zoran Jelenc

We don’t wait; we keep on learning

Dr Nataša Potočnik, the SIAE director who co-organised the event, assured the audience that educators don’t wait for anything, neither at the station nor for spring (as sung by the youth in a song before her speech). They actively engage and strive to contribute to the development of the field and greater participation in LL. Knowledge, skills and competencies illuminate the path to future challenges and uncertainties. She is confident that we will be able to tackle future challenges equipped with knowledge. Our task is to find ways to reach all adult groups, arouse their curiosity and encourage participation. As part of the LLW, we organise more than 8,000 learning opportunities. She expressed pride in the national campaign, which also serves as an example in the broader European space.

Learning is a process that can be likened to the growth of a tree

As a representative of the event organisers, I was pleased to address those gathered. Among other things, I explained why the symbolism of a tree inspired the programme.

Drevo lahko predstavlja simbol za marsikaj. Lahko ga razumemo kot simbol moči, modrosti, plodnosti in nasploh življenja samega. Najpomembneje za drevo je, da raste in obrodi plodove. Rasti pomeni biti živ. Resnično žive nas naredi to, da se želimo spreminjati in razvijati, da si želimo delovati tukaj in zdaj. Tako kot drevo se tudi sami krepimo, pridobivamo nova znanja in izkušnje. Vse življenje rastemo.

We must move forward, even if only to the first rock

The guest of honour at the event was Andi Mamić, who connected learning with sports, ups and downs and perseverance. All of these are essential in life if we want to gain and maintain fitness for life.

The cultural segment of the programme featured engaging performers of all generations. Singers from the Drama and Singing Group Zarja from the Association of Retired Persons Ajdovščina opened the event with the anthem. 6-year-old boy along with his mother planted the seed of knowledge. The programme featured musicians, singers and ballet dancers.

The official part of the National Opening of the LLW was followed by pleasant socialising, making new acquaintances and building connections. The event organisers were grateful for the support shown by the attendees through their contributions, presence and positive responses.

Eva Mermolja (, Ajdovščina AEC


© 2017-2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education

​The publication is co-financed by the Ministry of Education.

ISSN 2630-2926

Slovenian Institute for Adult Education
Ministry of Education

Published by Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE), Šmartinska 134a, SI-1000 Ljubljana | Editor-in-chief: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc (E: | Editor: Ana Peklenik (E: | Other members of the editorial board: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, dr Nataša Potočnik, Directress of SIAE, dr Tanja Možina, Tanja Vilič Klenovšek, MSc and dr Tanja Rupnik Vec | Computer solution: Franci Lajovic (T: 01 5842 555, E: | Translation/proofreading: Mesto znanja, izobraževanje in svetovanje za osebno rast, Petra Cvek, s. p.  | Design: Larisa Hercog | Corrective reading: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, and Mateja Pečar | W: