Online discussion on the future of basic skills
On 27 June, EPALE hosted an online discussion focusing on the role of initiatives related to basic skills in future EU reforms addressing knowledge and skills. The debate featured Sam Duncan, Associate Professor of Adult Education and Literacy at the UCL Institute of Education, and Estera Možina, MSc, from the SIAE. The moderator was Tamás Harangozó from EBSN. Many other stakeholders in the field of adult education and basic skills also shared their thoughts, resources and suggestions in the written discussion. If you missed the discussion, its recording is available on EPALE.
Visit EPALE and explore other exciting discussions on important issues in ALE.
We invite you to explore opportunities for learning and information on EPALE. Several OERs have been published, including on sustainable development, social inclusion of ageing adults with intellectual disabilities, tools that can assist counsellors in assessment processes, learning exchange for senior citizens, and many more, which are available on other language pages of EPALE. Among the resources, as many as five courses are available, developed as part of the Erasmus+ project called Microplastics – Tomorrow’s Macro Problem. One of these focuses on the Fate of Microplastics in the Environment.
Špela Močilnikar (, CMEPIUS