Relevant publications
Moments of change: adult education during the epidemic of COVID-19
In December, the published the monographic publication Moments of Change: Adult Education During the Epidemic of COVID-19 (in Slovenian), with the participation of 12 authors. The...
Mentor’s Book starts its journey
The Mentor's Book: A handbook in the PLYA programme is a new addition to the bookshelf of the mentors in the programme and other practitioners working with socially marginalised groups...
The publication Distance, Blended and Hybrid Adult Education: Indicators, Standards and Quality Criteria
The publication is the first attempt to create standards and indicators for this area of education. Evaluation of distance ALE has shown that if these forms of education are not implemented in a high-quality manner and if the characteristics of different target groups of adults are not taken into account
Findings from the PIAAC Survey in Slovenia – summaries of research and studies
The Survey of Adult Skills – PIAAC (2016) in Slovenia was the basis of many important studies published by the SIAE from 2016 to 2021. In the publication Findings from the Survey of Adult Skills – PIAAC in Slovenia – summaries of research and studies, we summarise as...
Images of Reading: placing reading in adult education, reading texts for adult educators
The effects of the decline in reading literacy among young people and adults in Slovenia, as shown by various surveys (PIRLS, PIAAC), go beyond the level of moral panic that is being expressed. The issue of reading literacy is serious. It requires professional and...
The Resolution on the Adult Education Master Plan for the Period 2022–2030 in a transparent printed and electronic publication
In preparing the document, the working group considered the results of the PIAAC survey (2015–2018) and the recommendations of the OECD (2018).
Summaries of the study Working Population With Low Skills
In 2020, the published a study entitled Working Population With Low Skills (in Slovenian). Based on analyses of the results of the Survey of Adult Skills – PIAAC, the latter...
A collection of scientific papers on the Adult Education Legacy of Sabina Jelenc Krašovec
The monograph Reflections on Adult Education and Learning: The Adult Education Legacy of Sabina Jelenc Krašovec (in Slovenian) originated in conversations, reminiscences and at the initiative of the adult education community in Slovenia following the premature death...